Osnabruck University of Applied Sciences –
государственный университет Германии, расположенный в городе Оснабрук, регион Нижняя Саксония и основанный в 1971 году. В настоящий момент университет функционирует в качестве общественной организации. Это обширно признанный университет не только в Германии, но и за ее пределами.
Osnabruck University of Applied Sciences самый крупный и высококвалифицированный университет прикладных наук в регионе Нижняя Саксония. Университет предлагает довольно широкий выбор программ. Здесь предоставляется возможность обучения на более 10 программах по различным направлениям как на бакалаврской, так и на магистерской степенях. Osnabruck University of Applied Sciences предоставляет высококачественное образование, которое может послужить хорошим подспорьем для успешной профессиональной карьеры в будущем.
Проживание: Университет предоставляет возможность проживания для студентов в одной из резиденций или университетских апартаментов. Подробную информацию о вариантах проживания Вы можете получить по этой ссылке:
https://www.hs-osnabrueck.de/en/housing-service/ Почему именно Osnabruck University of Applied Sciences ? - Широкий выбор программ,
- Престижный университет,
- Возможность проживания в университетских резиденциях или апартаментах,
Программы: - Бакалавриат,
- Магистратура,
Структура университета представляет собой объединение нескольких факультетов. Предлагается обучение по следующим направлениям: School of Agricultural Sciences and Landscape Architecture, Haste district - Agriculture (B.Sc.),
- Bioengineering in Agriculture and Food Industry (B.Sc.),
- Construction Economics (B.Eng.) (dual course),
- Food Production Engineering and Business (B.Eng.),
- Home Economics and Nutrition Sciences (B.Sc.),
- Horticultural Production (B.Sc.),
- Industrial Engineering for the Agricultural and Horticultural Businesses (B.Eng.),
- Landscape Development (B.Eng.),
- Landscape Engineering (B.Eng.),
- Open Space Planning (B.Eng.),
- Vocational education and training - Academic Field of Nutrition Sciences (B.Sc.),
- Agriculture, Food Science and Business (M.Sc.),
- International Facility Management (M.Sc.),
- Landscape Architecture and Regional Development (M.Eng.),
- Landscaping Management (M.Eng.),
- Product and Quality Management in Agriculture and Horticulture (M. Sc.),
- Soils, Inland Waters and Contaminated Land (M.Sc.),
- Sustainable Services and Nutrition Management (M.Sc.) (in cooperation with Münster University of Applied Sciences)
School of Business Management and Social Sciences, Westerberg district, Osnabruck - Applied Economics (B.A.),
- Business Administration (B.A.) (dual course),
- Business Administration and Management (B.A.),
- Business Information Management (B.Sc.),
- Business Law (LL.B.),
- Business Management in the Health Sector (B.A.),
- Business Psychology (B.Sc.),
- Early Childhood Education and Management (B.A.) (in-service),
- International Event Management Shanghai (B.A.),
- International Business and Management (B.A.),
- International Management (B.A.),
- LOGinChina – International Logistics Management (B.A.),
- Midwifery (B.Sc.),
- Nursing (B.Sc.) (dual course),
- Nursing Management (B.A.) (in-service),
- Nursing Science (B.A.) (in-service),
- Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy B.Sc. (dual course),
- Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physiotherapy (B.Sc.),
- Public Administration (B.A.),
- Public Management (B.A.),
- Social Work (B.A.),
- Auditing, Finance and Taxation (M.A.),
- Business Law (LL.M.),
- Business Management (M.A.),
- Controlling and Finance (M.A.),
- Health Management (MBA),
- Health Management (MBA) (in-service),
- Higher Education and Research Management (MBA) (in-service),
- International Business and Management (M.A.),
- International Supply Chain Management (MBA) (in-service),
- Management in Not-for-profit Organizations (M.A.),
- Manual Therapy (M.Sc.) (in service),
School of Engineering and Computer Science (IuI), Westerberg district, Osnabrück - Aircraft and Flight Engineering (B.Sc.),
- Automotive Engineering (B.Sc.),
- Bioengineering in Agriculture and Food Industry (B.Sc.),
- Computer Science and Computer Engineering (B.Sc.),
- Computer Science and Media Applications (B.Sc.),
- Dental Technology (B.Sc.),
- Electrical Engineering (B.Sc.),
- Electrical Engineering (B.Sc.) (including training),
- European Computer Science Studies (B.Sc.),
- European Electrical Engineering Studies (B.Sc.),
- European Mechanical Engineering Studies (B.Sc.),
- Industrial Design (B.A.),
- Mechanical Engineering (B.Sc.),
- Mechanical Engineering (B.Sc.) (including training),
- Mechatronics (B.Sc.),
- Media und Interaction Design (B.A.),
- Metal Technology (B.Sc.) (including training),
- Polymer Engineering (B.Sc.) (including training),
- Polymer and Materials Engineering (B.Sc.),
- Process Engineering (B.Sc.),
- Sustainable Energy Systems (B.Sc),
- Applied Materials Science (M.Sc.),
- Automotive Engineering (M.Sc.),
- Computer Science - Distributed and Mobile Applications (M.Sc.),
- Development and Production (M.Sc.),
- Electrical Engineering - Automation Systems (M.Sc.),
- Mechatronic Systems Engineering (M.Sc.),
- Teacher Training for vocational schools - Academic Field of Electrical Engineering (M.Ed.),
- Teacher Training for vocational schools - Academic Field of Metal Technology (M.Ed.),
School of Management, Culture and Technology (Lingen Campus) - Business Administration and Management (B.A.),
- Business Computer Science (B.Sc.) (also available as dual course),
- Business Management (B.A.) (dual course),
- Communication Management (B.A.),
- Industrial Engineering (B.Sc.) (also available as dual course),
- Management of Operational Systems – Business Management (B.A.) (vocationally integrated),
- Management of Operational Systems – Industrial Engineering (B.Eng.) (vocationally integrated),
- Mechanical Engineering (B.Sc.),
- Nursing (B.Sc.) (dual course),
- Technical Systems Engineering – Electrical Engineering (B.Eng.) (dual course),
- Technical Systems Engineering – Mechanical Engineering (B.Eng.) (dual course),
- Technical Systems Engineering – Mechatronics (B.Eng.) (dual course),
- Technical Systems Engineering – Process Engineering / Chemical Process Engineering (B.Eng.) (dual course),
- Theatre Pedagogy (B.A.),
- Advanced Master's Degree Program - Industrial Engineering (MBA) (in-service),
- Communication Management (M.A.)
Institute of Music at the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences (IfM) Music (B.A.) in the following areas: - Classical Music (instrumental),
- Classical Music (vocal),
- Jazz,
- Pop,
- Composition / Music Theory / Aural Theory,
- Early Childhood Music Pedagogy,
- Musical,
Вступительные требования: Бакалавриат / Undergraduate: - Аттестат о среднем образовании,
- Один из следующих экзаменов: IELTS, TOEFL,
Магистратура / Postgraduate: - Диплом бакалавра / специалиста,
- Один из следующих экзаменов: IELTS, TOEFL